A compassionate service of individualised programs that may incorporate one or more of
Harp Therapy, Music Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, Relaxation and Meditation.

For anyone who struggles with stress or anxiety I can highly recommend Vasudha’s amazing ability to create a safe and relaxing environment to nurture and dissolve stress in her own unique way. I have experienced Vasudha’s work and found it so profound and restorative and count my blessings to have had the opportunity to be a part of the magic that occurs in the sessions.
Wendy Purdey retired nurse, medical hypnotherapist, NLP life coach Byron Bay
Versatile singer, songwriter and multi instrumentalist, Vasudha plays piano, guitar, ukulele, harp, hand drums, accordion and sound healing instruments such as singing bowls, chimes, bells and native American flute.
Over 30 years of experience
Since completing her Music Therapy degree at the University of Melbourne in 1994, she has worked with a wide variety of populations including early intervention, children and adults with special needs, palliative care and aged care.
Enquire about Music Therapy services
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Bob Marley
Supported music lessons
Over the last few years Vasudha has specialised in creating individual assisted music lesson programs for NDIS clients, such as those living with anxiety, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, depression, Asperger’s, autism and Down’s syndrome.
Supported music lessons are available in
- piano
- guitar
- ukulele
- harp
- accordion
- voice
- sound healing
- recording
- performance
- composition
- improvisation

Enquire about supported music lessons
Assisted lessons available in piano, guitar, harp, accordion, ukulele, bass, voice and healing sounds
“Thank you for all the time and energy you have put into my son’s piano education. He has blossomed since you have been teaching him Vasudha. It’s going to be hard to find a replacement teacher that’s as good as you are.”
Parent of NDIS client with ADHD and congenital abnormalities

Music for wellness
Healing sounds and restorative yoga combine beautifully to help promote relaxation and wellbeing. Vasudha currently works in retreat settings and facilitates workshops in the community, offering effective ways to deal with physical, mental and emotional tension and stress.
These accessible, integrative restful experiences help connect and calm the body, breath and mind, effecting a nervous system reset. Participants often report that they have never felt so relaxed.
“It is so rewarding to see people’s blissful, grateful faces at the end of a session. I feel fortunate to be able to make a real difference in people’s lives” Vasudha Harte

Be still like a mountain and flow like a river.
The best way to live is to be like water.
The softest things of the world overcome the hardest things of the world.
Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action.
Lao Tzu
Enquire about Healing Sounds and Rest
Benefits of deep rest include
- Reduced pain, stress and anxiety
- Increased feelings of calm, relaxation and wellbeing
- Muscles release
- Blood pressure drops
- Heart rate slows
- Breathing slows
- Brain waves slow
- Improves sleep
- Has therapeutic effects on various bodily systems: immune, cardio, digestive, etc.
Personalised sessions may include
- Guided relaxation
- Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation)
- gentle movement
- breathing practices
- Restorative yoga poses
- visualisation
- Live harp music
- Healing sounds such as voice, singing bowls, chimes and flute.
Taking time for deep rest is not self-indulgent; it’s a gift. By allowing yourself this opportunity to release tension and find stillness, you show up for your family, your work, and your community with a fuller cup.
Judith Hanson Lasater
Early childhood music therapy

Early childhood music
Music for Kids weekly program for 0-5 year olds in Mooroolbark
Thursdays 9.45am – 10.30am, followed by morning tea and playtime
Contact Nancy nancyisherwood44@gmail.com
Areas that may be addressed through music therapy include:
Mental health: reduce anxiety, coping strategies for stress, relieve depression, release trauma, increase motivation, improve sense of self worth, develop confidence, explore and assert identity, clarity in decision making, improve ability to relax.
Physical health: pain management, reduce fatigue and promote physical vitality, develop body awareness, work with the breath, improve coordination, engage and refine gross and fine motor skills.
Emotional health: explore emotional palette, permission to express emotions, emotional regulation.
Social skills: speech and communication, sharing, reciprocal interaction, choice
Creative skills: develop spontaneity, skill building, enhance artistry, self expression
Sensory processing and development: audio, visual, tactile, vestibular
Cognitive skills: learning, memory, thinking, focusing, attention, comprehension, problem solving.
“Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears – it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more – it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity.”
Oliver Sacks
Music Therapy methods
Group and individual sessions offer many opportunities for participants, including but not limited to:
- vocalising – verbal and non-verbal
- singing
- moving to music
- playing instruments
- creating rhythms
- songwriting
- inventing soundscapes
- writing to music
- drawing to music
- relaxing to music
- dancing
- improvising
- composing
- listening
- analysis
- songwriting
- making art to music
- instrument making
- musical games
- playlist creation
- recording
- performing

“The medicine of the future will be music and sound.” – Edgar Cayce
Enquire about music therapy services
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